The Plot: a graphic novel
Corman is in a bare room with no clear idea how he got there.
He's facing down a group of hostile men in black suits and sunglasses.
They behave like police, but have shown no badges, or offered their names to Corman.
They have an intense interest in Corman's creative habits.
That character in his comic book?
Where did he get the idea for it?
Who is he aiming that rifle at?
Corman says it's a product of his imagination, but they're not satisfied.
The Plot is a mind-bending sci-fi thriller that evokes the paranoid novels of Philip K. Dick with the visual punch of Matt Kindt's comics.
The Plot is the graphic novel Ed Snowden called, "The greatest conspiracy ever."
Own your copy of this ground breaking graphic novel made without AI (Kindle download only)